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Fly Nubian Money - The Financial Literacy and Money Management course for women like you
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Spending, Budgeting and Saving your way to economic strength and empowerment
5 ways to break the cycle of living beyond your means (3:12)
Ways to save money on groceries (2:58)
5 ways to Reduce Debt Fast (3:37)
How to make a budget that won't leave you in tears (3:12)
Getting your kids through college without going bankrupt (3:16)
Surefire ways to get out of debt while you're young enough to have a life (2:52)
How Ebony became a millionaire by accident (7:51)
Developing a wealthy mindset
Six Figure Careers That Don't Require A Degree (31:41)
5 habits of wealthy people (3:05)
What it means to be rich vs wealthy (2:54)
What thinking big does for your financial future - creating an abundance lifestyle (2:14)
Delaying gratification is one thing rich people do very well (3:10)
Why everyone must invest in the stock market (3:12)
Why ownership matters far more than income (2:19)
Money, relationships and life - avoiding the financial mistakes the ruin us
Money Lessons We Can Learn From R. Kelly! (27:58)
Tax lien properties starting at $500 bucks! Let's talk about Indiana, Michigan and Louisiana too! (27:14)
Ronic West - We control and influence mainstream. Now Let's change our narrative (61:28)
Ronic West - Black Wealth Is Projected to Hit Zero (35:45)
Dealing with relatives who always want to borrow your money (2:55)
6 things that will ruin your credit score (4:27)
How to get married without breaking the bank (3:03)
10 things every woman needs to know about money (3:10)
How money works and how to make it work for you
🔥🔥Tips for Beginning Investors🔥🔥 (71:04)
Meet 12 year old entrepreneur Gabby, the CEO of Gabby Bows! (29:21)
3 Things You Need To Know Before You Consider Investing In (88:23)
What Not To Do With Your 401k In This Market!! (78:38)
The power of having a side hustle (3:21)
What is an IRA and how does it work? (3:10)
how to buy a new car without getting robbed (4:43)
How to stay beautiful on a budget (3:14)
Different types of 401k plans and how they can help you build your future (3:40)
Making a will to protect your assets after your death (3:13)
What's the difference between stocks and bonds? (3:13)
How to get started investing in the stock market (3:30)
Credit scores, banking and insurance
Whole vs term life insurance (3:20)
Types of credit unions and how they work (2:32)
How to see copies of your credit report (3:14)
Ways your credit card company may rip you off (3:17)
Best apps to check your credit score (3:36)
How to buy your first home (2:48)
The difference between debit, prepaid, credit and charge cards - things you may not know (2:32)
Downloadable Powerpoint slides
5 Ways To Improve Your Credit Score In A Year
5 Habits of Wealthy People
How to make a budget that won't leave you in tears
The power of thinking big
Rich Vs. Wealthy.pptx
Why ownership matters more than income
5 ways to reduce your debt right now
How to get married without breaking the bank
How to keep from spending beyond your means
Getting your kids through college without going bankrupt
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