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Fly Nubian Money - The Financial Literacy and Money Management course for women like you
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Spending, Budgeting and Saving your way to economic strength and empowerment
5 ways to break the cycle of living beyond your means (3:12)
Ways to save money on groceries (2:58)
5 ways to Reduce Debt Fast (3:37)
How to make a budget that won't leave you in tears (3:12)
Getting your kids through college without going bankrupt (3:16)
Surefire ways to get out of debt while you're young enough to have a life (2:52)
How Ebony became a millionaire by accident (7:51)
Developing a wealthy mindset
Six Figure Careers That Don't Require A Degree (31:41)
5 habits of wealthy people (3:05)
What it means to be rich vs wealthy (2:54)
What thinking big does for your financial future - creating an abundance lifestyle (2:14)
Delaying gratification is one thing rich people do very well (3:10)
Why everyone must invest in the stock market (3:12)
Why ownership matters far more than income (2:19)
Money, relationships and life - avoiding the financial mistakes the ruin us
Money Lessons We Can Learn From R. Kelly! (27:58)
Tax lien properties starting at $500 bucks! Let's talk about Indiana, Michigan and Louisiana too! (27:14)
Ronic West - We control and influence mainstream. Now Let's change our narrative (61:28)
Ronic West - Black Wealth Is Projected to Hit Zero (35:45)
Dealing with relatives who always want to borrow your money (2:55)
6 things that will ruin your credit score (4:27)
How to get married without breaking the bank (3:03)
10 things every woman needs to know about money (3:10)
How money works and how to make it work for you
🔥🔥Tips for Beginning Investors🔥🔥 (71:04)
Meet 12 year old entrepreneur Gabby, the CEO of Gabby Bows! (29:21)
3 Things You Need To Know Before You Consider Investing In (88:23)
What Not To Do With Your 401k In This Market!! (78:38)
The power of having a side hustle (3:21)
What is an IRA and how does it work? (3:10)
how to buy a new car without getting robbed (4:43)
How to stay beautiful on a budget (3:14)
Different types of 401k plans and how they can help you build your future (3:40)
Making a will to protect your assets after your death (3:13)
What's the difference between stocks and bonds? (3:13)
How to get started investing in the stock market (3:30)
Credit scores, banking and insurance
Whole vs term life insurance (3:20)
Types of credit unions and how they work (2:32)
How to see copies of your credit report (3:14)
Ways your credit card company may rip you off (3:17)
Best apps to check your credit score (3:36)
How to buy your first home (2:48)
The difference between debit, prepaid, credit and charge cards - things you may not know (2:32)
Downloadable Powerpoint slides
5 Ways To Improve Your Credit Score In A Year
5 Habits of Wealthy People
How to make a budget that won't leave you in tears
The power of thinking big
Rich Vs. Wealthy.pptx
Why ownership matters more than income
5 ways to reduce your debt right now
How to get married without breaking the bank
How to keep from spending beyond your means
5 ways to break the cycle of living beyond your means
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